"Face Off"
22' x 30'

Once upon a time there was a little boy who liked to draw.., over time I grew from this little boy into a very serious artist, teaching myself along the way. Born out of a youth`s dream and fueled by years of hard work, ups and downs, rewards and defeats, my personal vision remained both fresh and consistent.

Today, after many lives and growing into a photorealist, I find that merely painting watercolors of what I`m looking at or manipulating an image I have photographed is not enough for me. To paint photorealisitic images of which are not real or present and come from my mind are what make me feel truly creative.

Making the normal seem abnormal and the abnormal seem normal... surrealism. Through imaginable everyday reality and the organzation of ideas using: composition, balance, proportion, dominance, movement and color I bring together a variety of objects and shapes into a shared space creating images that are full of my experiences yet so far unseen. Perhaps I see differently than you,but if I`ve aroused your interest, stirred a memory or rekindled a dream... we see the same.